e-i-g-h-t-e-e-n and the kids table
I probably won't have time before Thursday to blog, so I'll go ahead and blog about being 18, even though I'm not quite there yet. It feels like it though. It always seems to be such a big deal to turn 5 or 13 or 16, but I didn't feel different until I turned 17. There was a day too. Probably the 12th of 13th of November of last year. This time, it was early, not late. About a month ago I started feeling different. And suprise, suprise! Dad remembered it was the 2nd and he came in and told me last Thursday that I only had a week left. I said that couldn't be right, but checked my calendar and it was. Now, I've only got two days. That's a big thing for dad, seeing as how he always thinks it is the 3rd or 4th. It's exciting, yet unsettling all at the same time.
I was talking to an elder and his wife in our hall and he asked me how pioneering was going. I said it was wonderful and I was really enjoying what I was doing. He said that they were very impressed with what I was accomplishing and that they had really seen me grow up. I asked him what he meant, since they have only known me a year. He explained that I have really matured and seemed much more secure with myself, like I had grown up not in a physical way, but mentally. That made my day because all I could think about in this past month that I "felt" older was that I was even less prepared for what was to come and that my 17th year was a total bust as far as preparing me for the next one. Part of me not feeling "ready" probably has something to do with the fact that I'm tired of growing up and being so self-concious. A few weekends ago, I was in Alpharetta. We ate at Pure. Guess where I sat. The kids table. The biggest thing about it was that I wanted to sit there. I didn't want to sit with the adults and hear them talk about stuff that is interesting, but not as much fun. So I sat with I Dunno, Mehsha, and He who tells jokes (at least I think that's his nickname). It was the most fun I had had in a very long time and I didn't care what people thought when Jokester put the chips basket on his face and picked up his pencil and pretended to fence. Or when Mehsha and I would bust out in various rap songs like "MoneyMaker" or some Lil' Jon song, and "Holla Back Girl". Normally, when Mehsha yells out in a resturant, I'm sushing her all over the place, but I didn't care. I felt happy sitting there. Pretty much care free. Sure I want to grow up and all, but I want to be able to feel secure and to go wild everyonce in a while. Like at the Raconteurs concert. It felt SO good just to yell and scream, especially in people's ears that you wanted to move out of your way. When I sat with the kids, it felt good to know that I didn't care I was sitting with the kids and I was pretty proud when one of them would act up. I'm sure that I Dunno hit the people sitting at the table behind us when he threw a napkin holder, and all I did was wave when they turned around to look at us and give us dirty looks. Mehsha just told me, "See what you've been missing!?" And I did. I realized that I can act 12 or 13 some of the time and it doesn't hurt me, but I feel better. One of my biggest peeves is that I don't think I was really 12 when I was 12 or 13 when I was 13, and now I want to go back. Well, that's impossible so the next best thing is to be secure with yourself enough to act like 12 or 13 sometimes, and I hope I'm getting close to mature enough to act that way.
I have made a few decisions as far as my future is concerned. I met my new C.O. on Saturday and I love him. I really do. Not like that, but I could get attached. He and his wife are very warm, fuzzy, happy, huggy people, and probably to most of y'all's suprise, I love huggy people. No matter how I'm feeling, I'm always up for a hug. They got up on the stage to give their experince and it made me want to pioneer with them so bad, so I'm going to take a year off of school and pioneer with them because I really want to go to pioneer school with them. He sounds exactally like Bill Clinton, which makes sense because they are both from Arkansas. The C.O. and his wife visit in January. I can't wait.
Still haven't made any decisions about some other things that have been floating around in my head... but I did do this today and I'd be much obliged to you all if you would just follow the directions on this page: http://kevan.org/johari?name=AffableOlive.
See you when I'm 18!