Monday, July 31, 2006


I'm all better now. My appetite came back Sunday. I've been off all the meds since Saturday. Had EaselWeaselBeezit from Wednesday to Saturday. Did the same thing as Poly & Easel on Friday. They as well as Mehsha and I dunno, were with me in the other OC. Had good pizza. Matt Damon wasn't there. Slept Saturday. Went to Atlanta on Sunday. Had hospitality after Clarimont's meeting at Jo's Grille on Ashford-Dunnwoody (very tasty) with people that dad's been friends with forever. Working on French right now. Tons of drama going on, but I'm not sharing. There's nothing to say.


Anonymous said...

"tons of drama" but you're not sharing?? you big tease!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back. Missed you. ;-)