Digital (Cable) Get Down
I'm so lonely! Both my best friends leave me on the exact same week! I haven't gotten a txt in...a little over 24 hours. Thing about that is, it's perfect since I'm already about 150 texts over my prepaid limit. Translation: They better stay outta town or my bill is going to be a heckuva lot more than last month. My bill last month was somewhere around $20 over what it should have been. Plus, I'm having to pay for the "over" charges this time. Texting is just so convenient! I can carry on a conversation that I really don't have time to sit and have over the phone. Dad asked me if I could learn to live without texting. Umm...NO! I'd rather pay for the ones I go over with. It's also perfect for them to be gone as well because I've got to get things done! Last Monday and Tuesday, although I got a French lesson done, (All of French is done now. YAY!) I didn't retain as much of that lesson because I was on and off the phone and texting with Easel. I've got Precal to do and a "real job" that starts today. I love texting though. End of story.
Friday morning service was hilarious. Slushie cup symphonies with Biscuit Hayes and String-bean Andy. I think we just about drove my service mom (whom I'll call Deborah Clasky) crazy, but it was her fault that she didn't have enough gas to do the driving territory. It was TOO HOT to do anything but on Friday though. There were fights with the car door and getting "shot at" for looking in the pit. It's crazy to think I didn't place anything! There's been talk around here of moving back close to Poly's side of town, (Ick. Poly's not ick; his side of town is.) but it's the backwoods, redneck moments like these that make me never want to leave again. Who knows what the other O.C. will be like in 10 years though? This post was supposed to be about our digital cable, but look what happened there. Honest though, I'm getting to it. In fact, lets do that now.
Digital Cable. A blessing from the technology industry. I was the only one that knew how to work the whole shebang, and I wasn't even here for the briefing of how to use the set up. Leave it to my dad, the king of spontaneity, to get digital cable and not tell the family. This is the man that gets up one Saturday morning in February and decides that the family needs to go to the beach and loads up the car for the weekend and goes to Panama City. He's also the one that whenever we are in Florida, he says he knows some short cut and we drive for 3 hours looking for something and then the highway just ends. I've seen lots of Florida being with my dad. Anyway, Mehsha and I went to a get together after service Saturday. Mom went to run errands. We all didn't get back til around 5 PM, and Mehsha immediately starts screaming. There was much excitement. There are a zillion channels now. Dad stayed home because the cable guy was coming. This morning I spent like an hour watching VH1 classic. All they were playing were videos from the 80s. Cindy Lauper, The Motels, The was glorious. I was surprising myself when I knew most of the words to the majority of the videos. Then there's MTV Hits. All videos. All the time. The way MTV used to be. Digital cable is wonderful, except there are now FIVE clickers to keep up with. Two are currently M.I.A. And of course there's Nicktoons 1 and 2. Guess what they show on Nicktoons? Just guess. REN AND STIMPY! Seriously, at three years old, this was my favorite TV show. I would watch Sesame Street and Mister Rogers in the morning. Then when dad got home at night, we would watch Ren and Stimpy together. I can't wait for it to come on again. That's why I loved the Angry Beavers. It reminded me so much of Ren and Stimpy. I'm such a cartoon junkie, but that's P. June's brother's fault. Digital cable's going to be the death of my imagination. Kiss it good-bye now.
My brother (the original cartoon junkie) would be thrilled to have had an influence.... even one such as that. ;-)
Ya know... this side of town ain't so bad, even it does lack the small town appeal.
digital cable??? I'll be up at the other OC with my U-haul this evening.
why would there be talk of moving over pglot's way? it's at least as bad as where you moved from.
Why is my way bad? If you want redneck, there's plenty of places just north of us that will serve that purpose nicely.
I've come to love the fact that the other OC is a geographical oddity. We're 10 minutes from everywhere! And that includes the nonexistent traffic. Y'all got a lot of traffic on that side of town. I have family slightly North and I know the area. It doesn't match what I've come to know and love here quite as well. The talk comes from routes being transfered back to P'dale and dad's got mucho grande seniority and he gets to pick if he wants to go back or not.
bad = congestion, too many people, too many developments, a la Gwinnett Co. In Gwinnett Co. you could be 10 minutes from everywhere but it would take at least 30-40 to get there.
interesting development at PPS.
oops! I'm anonymous. But I guess not anymore!
BTW, your aunt and I love Ren&Stempy. We used to convene regularly at a friend's place to watch. I get all teary just thinking about it.
I forgot to mention that I loved the subtle N*Sync reference, Affie.....
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