While we're on the subject...
So the other two did posts about their addictions. I figure I better follow suit. First, though, a small update. I actually just got back from South Carolina yesterday. Surprise. It was only a suggestion on Tuesday, but by the time dad got Thursday off of work, I was having to frantically pack and move my piano lesson so that I could still have it. This was not a trip I wanted to take. Yes, I love my grandmother and I love seeing her. I even like the beach, but this trip wouldn't even meet the dislike category. All I could do was sleep, eat chocolate, and get incredibly carsick- all three are signs of something to come, which still hasn't arrived. It was just a sickening trip all around. I was so ready to come home.
My recent addiction involves television. I don't watch much of it in the first place, and even less of movies and such. I just don't have time for it. In recent quests to wake my brain up from this hibernation, I decided to start watching some television that might be considered more educational. Most of the time, I'm enjoying some mind sludge on vh1 or Mtv, with very little variation except for the office (if I'm home on a Thursday) and Beauty and the Geek on Wednesday nights, followed by some MythBusters occasionally. News has never been of interest to me. I preferred to be quite ignorant and if something stayed on the news long enough or was important enough, I'd hear about it eventually from dad or somebody. After I got home from that incident where I was without keys for about two hours (and obviously a mind for much longer), I decided I'd look into CNN for the sake of rejuvenating my brain. To start with, I tried the traditional CNN. That bored me in all of five minutes, so I went to CNN Headline News (abbreviated CNNHLN). For some reason, that channel grabbed me. It was perfect for me because you get all the top headlines in 30 minutes to an hour. Usually, I'm distracted while watching TV anyway, so this works well for me because if I have to go do something, I can still catch the latest guy who is claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole's baby or the next idiotic way to get yourself put in jail in the 30 minutes coming. It's slightly shameful that those topics make the Headline News, but it has to be entertaining and I think that's what drew me in; though it's that very reason that turns people off to news channels anyway. In my mind, there is no other way for me to get the news. And to think, I was always the first one to grab the remote and change it at Poly's if it was on CNNHLN...now it's basically the only channel I watch.
Aside from coffee... my addiction has become my blog. I don't know what Im going to do if I end up in a job where I can't read and comment and write and read comments off and on all day long.
Serious withdrawal with commence.
How was Grandmama T?
That should have been WILL commence... I should have Previewed.
Yeah, CNNHLN (which abbreviation I take credit for making up, maybe not the FIRST to make up, but CNNHLN saves quite a few characters over "CNN Headline News," in a text, so I started using it. If it showed up somewhere else first [sure it has], i was unaware) will be coming on as soon as I get my other addiction. The Komodo Dragon waits for me downstairs.
this is for PJune--
fiona apple
I need a pill
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