Home is where the heart is
It finally let me log in! This old piece of junk. I disabled cookies to get to the log in box and then it's all upset that I disabled the cookies! Make up your mind you old hag of a compy!
To really send shivers up y'all's spines, I'm listening to Hilary Duff's latest album, "Dignity" right now.
So, since I addressed the fact that I am dating Andy now, I can post about this here. The other day, we were chatting about my relationship with someone that lives in Atlanta. We've discussed this before that anything that makes him uncomfortable, he needs to let me know. Once of the first things that we discussed was my desire to move back to Atlanta. Everyone that reads this knows I love the city and even just two or three months ago, I would've given anything to move back. That was a point of discussion because he wants to live out here, or at least have a house here, for the rest of his life. In December, that would've been the biggest issue and I probably wouldn't have dated him because of that. Thing is though, I know I'm not leaving. I'm dedicated to this congregation as much as he is and I was not planning on leaving the congregation for the first three to five years anyway. Andy just wants to live here for the rest of his life, not be tied here, which was a big relief to me. He wants to travel and be a part of the international construction work more than anything else. Georgia is always home. And when my family moved out here, I decided that I could deal with being here because as long as I'm with my family and in Georgia, I'm happy. The congregation did a lot as far as changing my attitude toward moving back. There's no way I could see leaving most of these brothers and sisters. So my roots are tied here now, but there's no denying that I need some of that fast paced city mentality to survive, and that's how my relationship with my friends in Atlanta comes into play here. He realizes that they are my ties to something that I still need a little bit of to function, and he's willing to make concessions to make sure that I'm happy, since that's all he desires. It was great to hear that he doesn't want me to break off any friendships I have because he knows that those are my connections to the city and if he makes me cut all ties, he will have a hard time trying to deal with me and make me happy.
The city will always be in me. Andy called me his "half-n-half" girl today, and I truly believe that's what I've become. I love both the city and my semi-country life out here and I don't know what I'd do without either of them because I think having both in my repertoire of experiences makes me a more well rounded person.
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