Thursday, June 01, 2006

Firstpost and The Office

Well...first post ever. How epic. I used to (it's still there, but remains un-updated) have a xanga, but this seems like it would suit me better than that site did. I wanted to be a blogger so badly and put this account to use, especially now that I know more than one person that participates in this. As of this moment, I'm very elated to have my first blog. I might as well go ahead and explain the blog name, which will probably change (since I found out that you can) as I pursue blogging as a summer hobby. Shmear as an alluding to my Jewish heritage, which isn't because I'm only 1/4 Jewish and don't practice at all, but that is the way "smear" should be pronounced. "The other O.C." is what my sister (who will get a nickname later since her current one isn't the best, but it may stick) and I have begun to call our home county. When abbreviated, our county is "The O.C." Affable Olive is a different story, explained here.

Since this is my first post, I suppose I better make it about something great, or better than great. Right now, at 11:15 (I have a little less than an hour if I want this to make it before June 2nd), the greatest thing is "The Office" on NBC. I'll link it forever later, but here's one for now. I've never had a job, but this is what I want my job to be like...or at least have this much fun at work. This show reminds me not only of Arrested Development (as well as Seinfeld), but bears a striking resemblance to my former AP classes. Jim Halpert, who is already my favorite and is going to be the main reason for staying home from my prior engagement that happens every Thursday night, is absolutely the best. He's the kind of person I would see as being my own best friend and selfishly hogging him. From the four episodes I watched tonight ("The Fire," "Halloween," "The Client," and "performance Review"), I could tell Jim would be a person that I would get along with splendidly. Dwight Schrute strikes me as a better adjusted Napoleon Dynamite. He is always asking for it, in my opinion. Poor thing, and it's so hilarious. Then there's Pam Beesly. Although Jim is my favorite, Pam is wonderful as well. She would be my best friend too. That would be a definitely since Pam and Jim have something between the two of them (though I've found that's not acknowledged til later) and I'm going to be best friends with both of them. Ryan ("The Temp.") is great, but the boss, Michael Scott, makes the work place everything it needs to be to make it one of my favorite places to be on Thursday nights now. I highly suggest this show to all of my friends (yes, the one or two of you that bother to traipse over here) and those that stumble upon the blog.

Ah...first post and I just realized I could have written this whole thing in Webdings and then no one would ever come back, despite the amusement it would give me to publish it.


Gina said...

LOL Webdings would have been interesting to see. It wouldn't have been hard, though. Copy and paste it into a word processor and change the font to something readable. no problem. lol. Anyway, here I am, Megs.

Affable Olive said...

Lovely! There's one. Maybe a few will straggle in out of the many I asked to stop in.

Anonymous said...

hey Megz! This is very cute.