What kind of smelly cheese is that?
Mom: "You got a solicitation from Rice University today. I think you should go. It really fits."
Affable Olive: "I know the Polyglot would eat that up. If they served rice, you know that would be my first pick."
CHEESE!? Gorgonzola!
I'm confused.
1. Why would I go to Rice, and
2. I'm assuming you're talking about Gonzaga, except for the Wallace and Grommet link, since you mentioned a University, unless there's something actually to the whole Gorgonzola thing, which brings me to
3. Why Wallace and Grommet.
Please keep in mind I just now got back to earth and do not yet have my head on straight.
No, it was ALL a cheesy joke that I should have removed before you got home. I was utterly bored and tired, so it all seemed very funny to me. You always make fun of how much rice I eat and if I happened to go to Rice U., (this is all very cheesy- hence the link to wallace and gromit) you would have an even better way to make fun of all the rice I eat. The Wallace and Gromit link was for Marry me. If you have seen the movie, you would know that WallaceRabbit asks for gorgonzola. Have you gotten your shots yet? You were in a foreign country. How was the language barrier?
Did you know that Bing Crosby went to Gonzaga? They named the student center after him. There's a statue of Teh Bing outside the student center.
"Teh Bing," sounds very Asian to me. Maybe i'll be going to GoodSoup for lunch. Doubtful.
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