Monday, July 10, 2006

HTML Illiterate

I've spent all morning trying to link to Horse N. Buggy and The Polyglot blogs, but alas, not being in Lit Mag for over a year now, my HTML skills have faded. It's just so easy to press the little link button. Everyone has seen who won the world cup and though I didn't follow it AT ALL, I kinda wanted France to win. Their colors are prettier. This is gonna be really short because I don't have much to say and tons to do. Whatever happened this weekend has been completly forgotten, not because I wanted to, but because I was so nervous on Saturday that Friday lost it's impact and it took all my energy to keep going on Saturday that I was too exhausted to do anything on Sunday. The few events that I remember are swimming in my head due to lack of sleep. Saturday was just exciting, but slightly humiliating in other ways. I realized that any desire to have a boyfriend was either heightened or smothered at certain points. Seeing how the guys fall all over themselves for Easel really was repulsive. Some guy twice her age came up to me after she was done talking to me on Sunday as I boxwatched and asked how old that sister was that was just talking to me. In the rented house of God, I lied and said 15. Then there were some guys Sunday that were more than nice to me. It was the words of Hickler Stickler (formerly known as Barbie to East Grayson) that really shocked me out of the Circuit #15A mentality. She said, "Though you turn 18 in four or five months, do you really want to be tied to one of these dorks by 2o?" Ah...words of wisdom to keep me in the big city mentality. I need to seriously get away though. The other O.C. is great, but I need to travel- not go see friends, just travel. I'm hungry now so I'm going to eat my Carraba's leftovers from Saturday. And I will take this opportunity to apologize to Poly again for Saturday nite dinner. Oh, and for the rest of the day, I will be trying to decide which language I want to take on. Bring on the different alphabets!


Anonymous said...

WHAT guys were more than nice to you? Next year, you & Easel (I like weasel, i think it's cute) will have to sit in a velvet-roped off area for VIPS only. Barbie is right. And so are you. Get out and travel and do whatever else you want because there's a pretty good chance that if you get married you may not have those opportunities.

You did great--you always seem composed.

Is the language for school? I thought you were taking French. The most practical language would be Spanish. The most impractical? Xhosa perhaps, but it's got all those cool tongue-clicking sounds. Are your choices unlimited?

Affable Olive said...

Guys that you wouldn't know. A lot of them were like "Oh I saw you on the program yesterday" and ended with "we should get together." I only had one bold enough to ask for my number. French for school, but I don't want to go to the "Hatian" congregation, so I have to pick a language that needs help. The Spanish brothers and sisters have it covered.

Alan said...

Yes they do. Actually the "xh," in Xhosa IS a click sound, and i can't describe which one, because there are a ton that actually depict different sounds and such. Affie, you're right; you'll need a support group of people in two groups: those that CAN speak the language, and those that are LEARNING to speak the language. That way you'll have expert help, and also people trudging through the same problems you're having.

Anonymous said...

That's why Auntie M doesn't go to the French cong. They don't speak "real" French, and it drove her crazy when she tried to attend.

As fast as the Spanish congregations are formed, I'm sure they would welcome the help, probably more so from legal bros. I guess language choices are limited to: Russian, Vietnamese, Amharic, ASL, Chinese, and Korean. All have "native" speakers, which would be beneficial, and I know the first five could use the help. Don't we have cousins supporting the Chinese group? ASL is in dire need of help but their food isn't that good. The Croatian "group" has no native speakers although Elliot and his brother are very good. There is a couple, Saba & Dita, who are natives, but I think they're sticking with English for the moment. If you want to check any out, let me know. I have good friends in all but Korean.

Anonymous said...

Why did 'the polyglot' need an apology for dinner Saturday?

Was dinner with us less stimulating than we hoped?


Alan said...

NO! I don't know what that's about. I enjoyed it very much. Apologies to the family for the former apology. It was unnecessary.

Horse N. Buggy said...

No, apologies go out to H&B for The Polyglot calling me during dinner for no real reason except to rub it in that he was out having fun with cool people while I was stuck at home alone channel-surfing. Although, "50 First Dates" was an entertaining movie...

Horse N. Buggy said...

Oh and if you make me an admin to your blog, I can add the HTML links for you. My user name is actually horsenbuggy72. You can remove my administrative privileges right after I do my web thang.

Affable Olive said...

Well, so you weren't lying. OK, apology retracted. Glad you think my family are "cool people."

Anonymous said...

Apology for the apology accepted.

Apology to H&B that you weren't with us.

Apology to anyone else who may stumble across all this for all the apologies.
