Thursday, November 09, 2006

A bad feeling

I'm not sure if I just never came out of the depression that I went into on Friday or what, but this is pretty serious. I just got in the car and drove today. Well over 60 miles from Oconee to Barrow to Jackson then back home again. (Don't ask me how I got to Jackson. I'm not quite sure myself.) I just have this horrible bad feeling. It's not from Grandmama T. either because I actually talked to her while I was driving. She was winded, but sounded like herself, which was absolutely awesome. It was good to hear her voice. I was about to cry I was so happy, but that didn't last. The feeling. I don't know what it is and that's the worst part, but I know it's making me feel bad about everything I'm doing, have done, will do, want to do, need to do. There's a confusion along with it if you can't tell. I know you all must love me for being so boring lately.

Well, here's the negative one. Give it a whirl. Be brutal. I can take it. You know how much self-confidence I have (or don't have):

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