Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Out of his element

Well, I'm doing the whole blog at the library thing right now. Can't seem to get in touch with mom for some reason, so stopping here didn't seem like a big deal, though I'm starved and mentally exhausted from going on Eliza Jones' studies with her this afternoon.

Severly disappointed I'm missing Easel's first recital in a very long time tonight. Severly. It's all around free and any concert she's ever done has always sounded wonderful. Totally severly disappointed.

Now for a quickish blog:
Today we worked some territory in Athens, since that's where we meet on Wednesdays. Once again, Andy and I were put together. It's been some time since we were put together two days in a row, so it doesn't bug me that much, but it's either making Deborah Clasky mad as heck or it just tickles her because she always brings it up. Anyway, he has territory in the elite part of town. It's the equivalent of Buckhead to Atlanta. So we're back there working and we go to this one house. It was a fairly nice old lady, but she didn't want us to come back- ever, so we told her we'd make a note of it. Turns out, it's already on the back of the card. Andy had already made a mental note of it, he told me as we walked away from the house, and that he had forgotten in the whole 60 seconds it took him to get up to the door. Bless his heart. So for the next few doors we talked about ailments and he's so an old man when it comes to aches and pains. It cracks me up since lately, I've had the immune system of a horse. (Watch me get pneumonia this winter...) Well, we round the corner and the prez of the homeowners association asks us to leave and says that they consider the work of the lord to be soliciting as well. We finished that street and moved on to one further back on a boundary. Again, someone mentioned that we were considered soliciting in their neighborhood, (which you can't really call it a neighborhood. They just put a sign out front and want to keep us out but it's still all city owned back in there.) So then a cop comes down the street and asks us if we were soliciting anything and that he had gotten a few calls. Andy very diplomatically says that we aren't selling anything and we aren't asking for money, just sharing a scripture. The cop says fine and goes along. He really didn't care anyway. We finish up the street and leave, just to keep the peace for those old windbags back there. Andy who was head of the group despite having two elders with us, decides it's time for a break. We're awfully close to just about everything back in that area, so he suggests Race Trac. Dimwitt excitedly asks if we can break at Earth Fare. Andy looks a little worried, but we give him directions and we all get out for a snack. Everyone else is inside, and Andy and I are walking in and he stops me and says, "You gotta help me. I didn't want to tell Dimwitt, but I've never been here." FINALLY! MY ELEMENT! We're in downtown Athens at the health food store, where we shop weekly. It's like being in some parts of Atlanta and if I close my eyes I can imagine I'm in Five Points or the Virginia Highlands and I'm not so homesick anymore. So like a little puppy dog, I take him around the store and show him where the drinks are and snacky type stuff and tell him that I'll be at the coffee counter getting a latte. He wanders around for a while and calls me on my cell saying he's kinda lost. So I go get him and he pays while I finish waiting on my drink. When I'm done, I find Dimwitt has walked out the door and so I follow to see Andy in the van. I asked him how his experince was. His exact words were, "I felt like Joe Dirt when he messed something up and all he could say was 'I'm new here! I'm new here! I don't know what to do!" We busted up laughing and I told him that now he knows what I felt like in Race Trac. It was quite funny, but I guess you had to be there.

Still two more things to blog about, but I guess those will have to wait.

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