Aroma of a Concert
I no longer reek of the urine, pot, and beer smell, but did up until all of an hour ago. Just got home from seeing a band that I would love to go see again. Yo La Tengo. I have to admit, I went knowing very little and having heard very little of theirs, but it was just time for a concert. My last one was November. The opener went on for an hour from 8:30 to 9:30. The opener was Tennament Halls. Yo La Tengo went on at 10:00 and played to 12:15. Quite long enough for me to develop a taste for them and I started enjoying myself after the first song and was hollerin' for them to come back when they went off after their first encore. To someone that doesn't delve into the "cult following/non-mainstream" type music like what they would fall under, Yo La Tengo might sound like your typical rock band, but really, the trio knows how to put on a show. I don't know what their studio stuff is like, but I would pay $20 any day to see them play again. Jolly good show. This being my first show of 2007, I was moved to think about all the bands I've seen over the past two years. My list is as follows:
-June: Music Midtown (first official concert- I was 16). The White Stripes, The Features, Louis XIV, Bloc Party, Interpol, Devo, Lemonheads... and that's all I can remember. (GREAT pick for my first.)
-October: Weezer/Foo Fighters show. Mae opened. (Missed the opener due to traffic on 85. Weezer rocked as expected. Foo went poo and we left before their set was over. Heard the songs I wanted though.)
-March: Charlotte Martin. David Berkeley opened. (Loved [love] him and hope that he'll play a show in Atlanta I can attend soon. Disappointed in her and that stupid Korg.)
-September: The Raconteurs. Dr. Dog opened. (Forget the opener, this was the second time I'd seen Jack White in person! Man that was a great show! Plus, it was at my new favorite venue, the Tabernacle.)
-November: Mat Kearney. Griffin House opened. (Once again, I knew very little about both but was over all pleased with the show, especially for $18. Got nice and close to the boys at the Roxy.)
-February: Yo La Tengo. Tenement Halls opened. (Very pleased. Yo La Tengo has a new fan... at least for their shows. Where else can you get an over 2 hour preformance where the band members play themselves ragged?)
Next month, I've been invited to accompany a new sister in my hall to see Snow Patrol. I'm looking forward to spending time with this sister, as well as getting to see this band that I had no interest in until their most recent album. Plus, OK Go is opening and I really like them, though I group them with the Killers, etc. because they came out all around the same time, and that's a bad thing when I "group" an artist. What I'm really waiting for (literally I get excited at the mention of a tour) is when this artist comes back to town. I'm giddy with the thought right now... but of course, that could be lack of sleep. Nah!
Cool concert post. Although I like most of the music from the people you've seen, those aren't the kind of shows I would enjoy, usually (aside from the ones I organized). I'm more for the intimate, low-key stuff, usually sit-down. Also, we've got another one added to the Tori show... That makes like eight or nine... geez.
Two of those would fall under the more intimate category, but you gotta stand up and scream every once in a while. The pure energy that runs through a show (like The Raconteurs and Yo La Tengo) where it's a smaller venue, packed to the brim is an awesome feeling.
I like the more intimate venues, too. Though the best concerts I've been to were at Lakewood/Hi Fi Buys Amp(Dave Matthews, Crosby, Stills & Nash and Sarah McLachlan w/ The Chieftans). Well, not counting Dido at the Tablernacle which was awesome.
Im excited about Tori, too. :-)
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