Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Victories for Jack and Meg

I really have nothing to say. I'm half way not alive right now, to put it in dramatic terms. I fell Monday. Shopping is quite my enemy right now for more reasons than I can't find the stinking shoe I want to buy. Rain+flip-flips+me do not equal a good combination. Fell flat on concrete at Lenox Square. So yeah... I'm in some more pain right now.

There's quite a bit of stress in my life for me to have so few responsibilities at this time. It'll ease off in July. School is just in my face right now. Plus, my proctor at the Oconee Libarary has an exam that I NEED to take and she can't protor it until mid to late August. Bite me. She asked if I could wait to take the test until then. Woman, if I had the test sent to you now, I think I'd like to take it now. She just doesn't want to have that many responsibilites because it's obvious when you look at her that she's lazy. I don't know how many times she calls in sick a week. She could read to the little kids and just pass by my cell everyonce in a while. I think you know me well enough to know I haven't cheated on the last four exams. So, I'm taking it at Bogart. The libarian there sounds MUCH nicer and far more helpful too. From now on, I'm taking my exams there.

Mehsha is getting baptized on July 7, 2007 (07/07/07), so all that read are cordially invited to come see her dedicate her life to Jehovah at the Gwinnett Civic Center. I'm very excited for her. Not sure how we're doing the dinner yet. Since everyone is everywhere, we may wait to have it in July.

I did get "Icky Thump!" Right now, I'm developing a full opinion on the album so that I can write up a full review. It's fast becoming my favorite Stripes album. Funny story- well, funny to me. When I was with the Clasky family at the hospital last week when Andy was having his surgery, I had carried my things to do in my White Stripes bag that I bought at Music Mitown (lest we forget). I sat down and the woman across from me says to the two women with her, "Look she likes the White Stripes too." I look up as I was scrolling down my ADP songs on my fauxPod and proudly say, "Yes. I've been a fan since 'White Blood Cells.' " (I don't know why I say that. Probably because I feel I have something to prove, especially to these middle-aged women who don't give a flip and are just waiting for their relative to get out of surgery. Hello, you aren't in Wuxtry's! It did impress WestPalm Kimmi and Feather that I bought my first Stripes album when I was entering the seventh grade though.) ANY-way... so I strike up a conversation and Deborah has no clue what I'm taking about but the other woman, Doorbell Woman, begins an extensive conversation on how she agreed to buy her 15-year-old son "Get Behind Me Satan" because she liked the "Ringin' my doorbell" song. (The only Stripes song acceptable for field service.) She continues to do her best to quote the lyrics, though being middle-aged, you can see she'd either listened to it once or is going through meonpause and having memory problems. She then asked if that was their only album. Pssh! Fifth, and their sixth was on store shelves as we were speaking and I couldn't get away because I was nervous about some cist on my boyfriend's hand. I proceed to explain the other albums that her son needs to get in order to really know Meg and Jack. She mentions something about how it's cute that a brother and sister can work together. Oh boy, now you've got me deep in conversation about something that you probably didn't really want to hear. So I explain how they were married until "Elephant" and then masquraded as a brother and sister and if you got into the band after their fourth album, you would never know because they look so much alike. I gave details on their birth names and how their is actually a certificate for their marriage from 1996 and that the divorce was some what public, etc. She then decided she'd get in touch with her son and tell him to look up the new album and that as soon as she left the hospital, they would go get the album. I then plugged myself up to my Zen and Doorbell Woman and Deborah proceeded to have a conversation about how long it takes at a hospital.

A victory for Jack and Meg.

I was conversing with a friend of mine in Tennessee, Smithville to be exact, who is also a fan and has been since "Elephant." Eh, let's give him a nickname. None of you know him, so I'm on my own here. Camper Chris. (inside joke w/ me and his sister.) He borrowed a copy from a friend of his in the congregation. We began discussing how I burned Jammie's a copy and his fiancee and I have been on a crusade because she is very much a fan as well. He gave "Icky Thump" a 4 out of 5. Jamie said it's such a better album than "Get Behind Me Satan." Really, it is. Camper Chris said that the friend that he borrowed his copy from was very unwilling to part with it, but it was the first album that Jack and Meg released that this guy liked. He really loved it infact.

Another victory for Jack and Meg.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

MORE puppy news...

Here's two updated pictures of the cutie taken this morning by Mr. Thompson:

Also, within the last hour, we've renamed Massie. Her name is now Guinness and we're going to call her Guinne (pronounced like 'guinea' in 'guinea pig'). Mehsha decided that she didn't look like a Massie, so we quickly decided on a dark stout name.

By Ecky Thump! A USB Flash drive Album?

So it's a little less than a week until the White Stripes new release "Icky Thump." I'm still throughly excited and trying to scrape some pennies together. Not sure how I'm going to obtain this album, since at 10 AM I will most likely be at Athens Regional with the Clasky parents and Andy. (He's going in for minor surgery and asked me to come with them.) At some point during the morning, I will probably have to sneak down to Wuxtry's and get myself a much needed copy of what I've been waiting months for. A few days ago though, I recieved my daily White Stripes update by way of their newsletter than I signed up for (they're playing a special show in west Hollywood if anyone wants to fly out there with me and still have the chance of not getting a ticket cuz there's only about 100 for this show), and they've made 3,333 limited edition USB Flash drives of both Jack and Meg. Check 'em out: I just thought that was the most off the wall but intresting way to release an album. Very much Jack and Meg's style. The whole album is on there in Apple Lossless format, but the drives work with PCUs and Macs. If someone wants to be LOVED FOREVER they can be awesome and spend $100 on me and get the set. Nah, just kidding, but they would be totally awesome to have and if I had the money to be a die hard collector of White Stripes merch, believe me, I would've already had these preordered.


New Developments in the Puppy Plot

Well, Dacey will not be coming home with us the second week of July anymore, but rather a just as cute liver colored and ticked German Shorthair Pointer will be coming home with us. Mr. Thompson said he can already tell that Dacey (aka- Recoil), will be far more of a hunter and less of a family dog. He also said that it might cause some problems with Skeeter. So on this website, we will now be getting the one under the name of Quest, but we're naming her Massie. Mr. Thompson said that by nature the liver colored ones are far more relaxed and more family dogs than strictly hunters and that Massie will continue to let Skeeter rule the roost, so to speak. Personally, I kinda favored the liver colored ones. Everytime I picked one up, they would just snuggle down into my arms and coo. There are also plenty of new photos up of the puppies at Mr. Thompson's website. Mrs. Thompson is very excited that we're taking Massie home because then she'll get to see her since Mr. Thompson is going to help us train the dog.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Skeeter's new friend

After much deliberation and a visitation yesterday to Mr. Thompson's house, we're getting another dog! Go to this website here: to see pictures of the puppy that will come home to our house in four weeks. If you click on the tab for "puppies and photos" and click on page 3 of photos, our puppy's name is currently Recoil. Right now, all four of us agree on the name Dacey, which is Scottish and means "from the South." These dogs are German Short Haired Pointers. This will be dad's retirement project. Dacey is going to hunt with dad, but still be a family pet. She's going to be a lot of work (more than Skeeter), but a lot of fun at the same time.