Most important meal of the day, serving it up Affie's way!
This is going to be another post where I need your suggestions. Scenario: Breakfast has now become the most dreaded meal of the day for me. I believe it was Wednesday and I was desperately trying to get ready and make it to the hall on time for service. I ate my normal breakfast of some soy milk and raisin bran/rice chex (I'm plain Jane all the way, and yes, rice again. If it weren't for rice, right now, I would be sorely malnourished.) Well, usually I don't do as bad with soy milk as I did that morning. It was a far more violent reaction than the usual upset stomach when I eat soy milk too many days in a row. See, I developed a sensitivity to it a few months ago, but this was a full blown allergic reaction. I tried another brand today on a smaller scale and a different flavor. The different flavor was gross, but I didn't toss my cookies. It was vanilla and it tasted more like licorice, which I hate, and it gave me a headache. So I present to you, the reader, my problem. I need suggestions for breakfast. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, so I don't have a massive breakfast, but I must eat something or else I'm useless for the day. I've tried oatmeal and I can't choke down but four or five bites because it's too heavy for a morning meal. Note: I'm allergic to corn and milk (although I occasionally indulge in a wallaby), as well as fruits like apples, mangoes, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, kiwi, etc.
Well, orange juice or coffee are good breakfast beverages, but be careful, because their acids can really get after an empty stomach. Protein is always really good, and so are some carbs, brain food like toast or English muffins. How about a bagel? Have you tried rice milk or something like that, even though it's super watery? it wouldn't be so bad with cereal. I know you can't do peanut butter, but what about butter butter? I know the milk thing, but is it a full blown dairy thing? Eggs are good, unless you're super lactose intolerant, and you can get a headache (at least some people do). Cheese toast is always yummy. Just some ideas. I hate breakfast minus the above suggestions (unless it's the whole nine with eggs and sausage and grits and hashbrowns and all that. I'll go for that as long as it's late in the morning.)
If you can eat most favoritist breakfast in the world is a grilled cheese sandwich. But I also like rice milk with cereal.
And if none of that works ... there's always rice.
This is terrible, but I now have a picture of you sitting on the ground in a dirt hovel with one bowl of rice in front of you...belly distended from malnourishment and flys buzzing around your sad, lonely, too large eyes.
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