Saturday, August 12, 2006

Where the hell is Matt

I've got this strange desire to post about Precal and how controversial my book is versus my learning guide and how I think I'm going to have to get a tutor...etc., but that's pretty boring stuff (like I post things of interest anyway). What I want to post are some links that Jules set me about traveling Matt. Everyone was quite jealous about what he's gotten to do. His story can be found here. Part of it starts to sound like a personals add. First, it starts about how he was traveling after he quit his job in Australia and started wandering the world with the money he had. He set up a website for friends and family to keep up with him. Friends began to suggest that he dance in the places he visited. This year, Stride gum paid for him to revisit 39 countries in on all 7 continents for 6 DANCE! in a Napoleon Dynamite fashion. Wait, that's a lie. Napoleon dances better. I'd dance like an idiot if my expenses were paid. Heck, any dancing I do is idiotic. There is even a link to "Meet Matt" at the Stride website. Towards the end of the "About" section of the website, there are phrases like this: "Matt is left-handed," and "When Matt was younger, he could hang seven spoons on his face at once. Sadly, puberty made Matt's face less conducive to spoon-hanging." Then there are other striking attributes to make him even more irresistible like, "Matt has a little piece of extra cartilage sticking out on the rim of one ear and a little hole in the same place on the other ear. Matt has no idea why this is the case," or "Matt is very good with figures and wishes people asked him to multiply things more often," and we cannot forget "Matt has never lost a staring contest." Now, to see Matt dance:

Where the Hell is Matt?

1 comment:

Horse N. Buggy said...

This reminded me of a travel blog that I used to read - His blog was riveting. But it was also a little odd. He (the John guy) physically looks quite a bit like Xoomie. But his writing style is very similar to mine. Or at least he seemed to notice the same kinds of things that I think I would notice if I were on that kind of trip. Anyway, the guy finished his trip back in 2004, but I stopped reading in 2003. So I spent some time catching up on the conclusion of his global trek yesterday.